Let us write our First Test in TestNG and run as an ant task
Create Directory Tree Structure as follows
testng(Base Directory)
| | | | |
src lib build.xml build test-output/index.html
| | | |
com testng-6.3.1.jar com +-------+-----+---
| | index.html
qa qa
| |
OurFirstTestNGTest.java OurFirstTestNGTest.class
Where as
OurFirstTestNGTest.java contains
build.xml contains
Now to Compile a java class, use
#javac -classpath .:../lib/testng-6.3.1.jar -d ../build com/qa/OurFirstTestNGTest.java
Create Directory Tree Structure as follows
testng(Base Directory)
| | | | |
src lib build.xml build test-output/index.html
| | | |
com testng-6.3.1.jar com +-------+-----+---
| | index.html
qa qa
| |
OurFirstTestNGTest.java OurFirstTestNGTest.class
Where as
OurFirstTestNGTest.java contains
package com.qa;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
import org.testng.*;
public class OurFirstTestNGTest {
int testInt;
public void setUp() {
testInt = 0;
public void addTest() {
System.out.println("Addition Test");
public void subtractTest() {
System.out.println("Subtract Test");
=============================build.xml contains
<project default="test">
<path id="cp">
<pathelement location="lib/testng-6.3.1.jar"/>
<pathelement location="build"/>
<taskdef name="testng" classpathref="cp"
classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask" />
<target name="test">
<testng classpathref="cp">
<classfileset dir="build" includes="**/*.class"/>
=============================Now to Compile a java class, use
#javac -classpath .:../lib/testng-6.3.1.jar -d ../build com/qa/OurFirstTestNGTest.java
To run using ant
#ant test