Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Robot Test Automation Framework - Write your test library in Python and/or Java

             In this tutorial I will help you to write a simple program in Robot Test Framework. As usual we will start with installation.

             For Robot to work we need Python, Jython, WxPython to be installed on the machine. So lets first install them before we do anything else.
Python Installation 
Step 1: Download Python for Windows from and doubleclick on the installer

Step 2: Complete the installation

Step 3: Put Python bin directory in the environment Variable PATH

Step 4: Verify the installation by typing 'python' on your command prompt

Jython Installation 
          Using test libraries implemented with Java or using Java tools internally requires running Robot Framework on Jython, which in turn requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE). 

           Installing Jython is a fairly easy procedure, and the first step is getting an installer from The installer is an executable JAR package, which you can run from the command line like java -jar jython_installer-<version>.jar. 

           Depending on the system configuration, it may also be possible to just double-click the installer.

Step 1: Download Jython for Windows from and on command prompt type 'java -jar jython_installer-<version>.jar' where <version> needs to be replaced by the actual version

Step 2: Complete the installation process

Robot Installation
Step 1: Download Robot for Windows from and double click on the installer

Step 2: Complete the installation process

 WxPython Installation
Step 1: Download WxPython for Windows from and double click on the installer

Robot-RIDE Installation
Step 1: Download Robot-RIDE for Windows from and double click on the installer

Step 2: On command prompt go to scripts directory where python is installed <PYTHON_INSTALLED_DIR>\scripts and type 'ride.pyc'. You will see following screen where you can write your Test cases

Writing simple Test Case in Robot-RIDE
         Let us write a Test Case to check whether a particular directory exists or not on our machine.
        From file menu select new project give it some name like Example. Now right click on this project and select New Test Case. Give it some name like My Test. Also right click on project and select New User Keyword and give a name like My Keyword.

       There are some libraries which are by default provided by Robot like OperatingSystem which provides functionality of some operating system keywords like File operations, directory operations, etc...

        So we first import this library in the Project Page. Also Add Scalars for all variables you need to use in your Tests like path and MESSAGE in this case.

                    In the Test Case page, write your test case like <keyword> and <arg1> <arg2> .... In this case Log and My Keyword are keywords and ${MESSAGE} and ${path} are args.

                 Where My Keyword is a keyword created by user by adding some available keywords from library as show below. In this case we are using Directory Should Exist keyword and argument as ${path}.

 Running Test Case in Robot-RIDE
           Simply hit the Run button shown as "robot face" in the robot-RIDE screen.

Logs of Test Case in Robot-RIDE
          Below is a sample log file

Reports in Robot-RIDE
          This is a sample report in Robot-RIDE

We can also write our own libraries in Robot using either Java or Python. We will look into it in later posts.

~Yagnanarayana Dande

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Running Hadoop Pig Scripts with MapR Demo VM

What is Hadoop Pig?

Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets. Pig's language, Pig Latin, lets you specify a sequence of data transformations such as merging data sets, filtering them, and applying functions to records or groups of records. Pig comes with many built-in functions but you can also create your own user-defined functions to do special-purpose processing.

Pig Latin programs run in a distributed fashion on a cluster (programs are complied into Map/Reduce jobs and executed using Hadoop). For quick prototyping, Pig Latin programs can also run in "local mode" without a cluster (all processing takes place in a single local JVM).

How to install?

Download VMWare Player at
Download MapR Demo VM at

1. Extract this using
bunzip2 MapR-VM- (This shows some errors but you can ignore them)
tar -xvf MapR-VM- (if output file is not .tar and is tar,out still its okay)
2. After untartting this transfer it to Windows machine
3. Install VMWare Player and start the Demo VM

How to Run it?

local mode

mapreduce mode

Problem to Solve

Marks of Students in Unit Test1 in Subjects Telugu, Hindi, English, Maths, Science and Social respectively. Now Class Teacher wants to Find all the students who are Failed?

Pig Script to solve this

A = load 'Unit1' using PigStorage('\t') as (Name:chararray,Telugu:int,Hindi:int,English:int,Maths:int,Science:int,Social:int);

B = filter A by Telugu < 35 OR Hindi < 35 OR English < 35 OR Maths < 35 OR Science < 35 OR Social < 35;


Here is the Output of the Pig Script