Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Data Driven Testing in TestNG using Factory Pattern

In the previous post we have looked at how to write test cases for data driven testing using data provider. Now let us look how to do same using Factory pattern.

Reading excel sheet will be same as previous

Now let us use Factory annotation and passing one set of data at a time to TestNG for running the same Test case multiple times (Data driven Testing). The main difference between Factory pattern and dataProvider is that in dataProvider all the tests will be called on a single instance and in factory pattern each test case will be called on different instances.

Here every test data will have a corresponding object of the class ProjectTestCases.


Data Driven Testing in TestNG using Data Provider

In the previous post we have looked at how to optimise test cases for data driven testing. Now let us look how to automate these Tests.

In a typical scenario QA engineer will manually use allpairs tool and determine optimal set of Test Data for conducting data driven testing. This test data will be in excel sheet.

Now let us write a method to read this data.

Now let us write DataProvider for using this code and passing one set of data at a time to TestNG for running the same Test case multiple times (Data driven Testing).

Let us write actual test case and make it to use this data provider

This will make TestNG to execute testDND test case for 56 times each time with different Test Data. But the biggest problem with this approach is in testng results it will show same method name for every execution. But it will show the actual test data as parameters in test.html.

We can use code like below to add TestCase name


Pairwise Test Cases for Data Driven Testing in Agile World

It is a common scenario where a Test Case should be run with more than one set of Test Data. Let us take an example to illustrate this scenario.

A screen has following 4 input parameters. 

  1. Name - Text Field which takes only alphabets
  2. Phone Number - Text Field takes only numbers
  3. Don't Disturb - Radio Button with Yes and No options
Now the possible values for 
  1. Name - alphabets, alpha-numeric characters, special characters, unicode characters, empty string, space, very long string
  2. Phone Number - numbers, alphabets, alpha-numeric characters, special characters, unicode characters, empty string, space, very long number
  3. Don't Disturb - Yes, No
Now if we want to come up with Test cases using combinations of this data we will get

7*8*2 = 112 Test Cases
But Pairwise Testing philosophy says

Most bugs are found when only two variable values conflict, not when all conflict at the same time. (Ref: Efficient Testing with All-Pairs - Prepared for STAREast 2003 International Conference on Software Testing Bernie Berger)
 So let us try to reduce these test cases using pairwise tool.

  1. Download and extract tool from
  2. Create an excel sheet with Variables as headers(columns) and values as rows
  3. Save it as .txt file with tab delimited file
  4. now say perl blog.txt >allpairs.txt
  5. Open the file allpairs.txt using excel or numbers(in case of mac)
  6. Now you can see all the available test cases

Test cases reduced to half in this case.


Code coverage report using Cobertura with gradle

According to wikipedia Code coverage is

code coverage is a measure used to describe the degree to which the source code of a program is tested by a particular test suite. A program with high code coverage has been more thoroughly tested and has a lower chance of containing software bugs than a program with low code coverage. Many different metrics can be used to calculate code coverage; some of the most basic are the percent of program subroutines and the percent of program statements called during execution of the test suite.

There are several tools which help in getting code coverage. Out of then Cobertura is one. From the official site of Cobertura

Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java program are lacking test coverage. It is based on jcoverage.
Gradle is a popular build tool. Many a times one would like to get code coevage report during build time about Unit Tests' code coverage. This can be easily achieved using following piece of code in build.gradle

1. Using Cobertura with gradle

paste this in build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "net.saliman:gradle-cobertura-plugin:1.1.0"

apply plugin: 'cobertura'

This will give you 2 new tasks called instrument and cobertura

instrument task will instrument the classes of the project. And cobertura task will build > instrument > test > createReport

test Task will build and run the classes in src/test folder. These are unit tests of the project

Code coverage report for Unit Tests is as follows 

2. QA Tests

QA can also use gradle in their project and run tests or can follow following process

Download cobertura from 

To Compile Test Code

javac -cp ~/Desktop/cobertura-2.0.3/cobertura-2.0.3.jar:projectname/build/classes/main/

To Run Test Code on instrumented classes

java -cp ~/Desktop/cobertura-2.0.3/cobertura-2.0.3.jar:projectname/build/classes/main/:. -Dnet.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile=cobertura.ser Test

To Create Cobertura Report Outside gradle

~/Desktop/cobertura-2.0.3/ --format html --datafile cobertura.ser --destination coverage projectname/src/

3. Merge reports

Once both the reports are ready we can use following command to merge

./ --datafile cobertura.ser cobertura1.ser 

now create report using command

cobertura.ser --destination coverage projectname/src/

4. Check for a condition on code coverage

~/Desktop/cobertura-2.0.3/ --datafile projectname/build/cobertura/cobertura.ser  --line 30
